Pencombe CE Primary School - Teaching Assistant Apprentice
A brief overview of the role:
To assist in the preparation of materials and programs of work. To assist with group activities and support individuals. To assist with any medical, personal, social and behavioural problems.
Vacancy Description:
Support the ethos of the school and follow school routines and procedures.
- Undertake a programme of induction and attend other relevant in-service training as directed by the head teacher
- Be aware of, and maintain, confidential issues as required
Under the direction of the teacher and/or line manager to:
- Assist in designated areas of the curriculum including preparation and clearing away of resources, including IT
- Promote pupil achievement in learning and re-enforce pupils’ self-esteem
- Ensure that children are able to use equipment and materials provided
- Assist with the support of group activates within and away from the classroom
- Assist with the movement of pupils around the building and surrounding areas and with activities, both within and outside lesson time
- Participate in general school activities including assembly, break and lunch time activities, sports days, school visits etc. as required
- Be aware of and promote children’s general welfare and follow the school’s health and safety procedures
- Assist with health and hygiene and first aid. This may include assistance with toileting
- Assist with the preparation and mounting of display materials
- Share general domestic duties with the teachers and other staff
- Maintain and update records as directed by the teacher
- Support inclusion of children with special needs
- Assist with the delivery of individual education plans
- Provide feedback about the children to the teacher
- To undertake designated administrative and clerical tasks, in order to support teaching and learning
- Carry out other duties as directed by the teacher, line manager or head teacher
- Undergo review of duties and responsibilities according to the school’s schedule
- May be required to undertake safeguarding training at appropriate level to the role